The Dangers of Ticks and Lyme Disease

Greenwich, Connecticut is home to various tick species, but most specifically, the deer tick and the American dog tick. If you live in the state, you can be certain that these ticks are preying on your family. Lyme Disease has become an all too common occurrence in Connecticut but luckily, there are simple steps that you can take to greatly reduce the risks associated with ticks

Greenwich Tick Control offers organic and synthetic professional tick treatments to Greenwich, Darien, and New Canaan.

Spray your yard for ticks!

Whether you live in Cos Cob, Riverside, or Old Greenwich, there is no denying that Greenwich is a haven for ticks! We have plenty of beautiful landscapes, grass, and trees that make keeping ticks away difficult. Many individuals do not know that ticks are dynamic throughout the entire year. Despite the season. Ticks are often nearby and will assault in any season leaving you with Lyme Disease or some other regrettable disease. Be that as it may, tick activity skyrockets amid the pre-summer and summer months. In these months, strolling in wild regions or having your pets play in grassy areas can potentially prompt tick bites. By fall, the tick population decreases with it’s low season in winter. Even in winter months, however, control methodologies should not halt in Connecticut. We can help! GREENWICH TICK CONTROL is a reliable and affordable tick spraying service that can spray your yard and greatly reduce the risks associated with ticks!

Deer Ticks | Lyme Disease

Ticks carry Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease is a bacterial contamination that has documented cases of transmission in Greenwich, Connecticut. It is usually carried from one species to another by way of tiny deer ticks. In the western states, it is carried by black-legged ticks. These nearly microscopic 8-legged creatures are regularly found in lush and verdant regions. Despite the fact that individuals may consider Lyme a Connecticut infection, it is found all through the United States, and also in excess of sixty different countries. 

300,000 individuals are determined to have Lyme infection in the US annually. Oddly, the risks are high for those with breast cancer and HIV/AIDS. In any case, since diagnosing Lyme can be troublesome, numerous individuals who really have Lyme might be misdiagnosed with different conditions. Numerous specialists trust the genuine number of cases is a lot higher. 

Lyme influences individuals everyone regardless of your age. That being said, it is more common in children and elderly folks. Some outdoor jobs have a higher instance, for example, firemen and park officers who work in areas more prone to ticks. Greenwich Tick Control can reduce these risks!

The Greenwich Tick Control Deal

We are Greenwich’s premier pest control service. Specializing, specifically, in tick control, we are #1 in customer satisfaction and have a great track record for eliminating ticks in our town.


  1. Refer a neighbor and get a $25 off your next spray!
  2. Prepay an annual six treatment plan in APRIL & get 10% off!

CALL Greenwich Tick Control NOW!

(475) 897-3015

Greenwich Tick Control | Darien | New Canaan